Sunday, February 26, 2006

Monday, 27 June 2005

THE FINAL CUT of/and MR. & MRS. SMITH lolzz...

YIPEE! today's so-called movie marathon at One-utama's GSC was cool. Watched Mr. & Mrs. Smith at last! Talking about hot couple. They sure are one of the top ranking sizzling hot lovie-dovie pair, man! HE gotta be Bradd Pitt and SHE gotta be Angelina Jolie! The charming hunk with charisma and the vixen with pouty sexay lips... and her curve, height, boobs, eyes.. i think everything about her is attractive.. haih... Me and same-sex attraction... i can fall in love with her if i want to... (vj, u dun have to be jealous kies. i know u cant do the same for edison!) *giggles... Personally, i dont think Brad Pitt and Jenifer Aniston made a WOW couple. prolly, jen. aniston is more a down-to earth lady from my point of view. Good thing they broke up. *evil snigger.. gosh, Why am i so cruel? Well, coz i never believe celebreties' marriages can last. 98% of them end up having affairs if not divorce. Just look at Tom Cruise alone! First, it was nicole kidman, next victim was penelope cruz (pineapple name, look like a shruken pineapple too). and lo-behold, now he is with katie holmes. browse thru a magazine and u will get wat i mean when i say both of them put together look like father-daughter. Of course there is special case like John Travolta (sources from Elizabeth Chong, self proclaimed innocent soul, 2005) and David Duchovny <--- another one of my die hard idol after edison, or before! who cares, shyt and im sounding like a pure dumb 13 years old kiddo drooling over for artists and singers... *sigh...
Movie: Mr & Mrs. Smith - i never know husband and wife and fight to this extent. Oooooo, i love the house fight especially and the scene that comes after that.....
Rated: 10 stars (highly recomended)
P/s: wait till i describe the next show... (warning, if u guys plan to watch the final cut by any chance, i advice u not to read my following entry, might sound too boring till u have to change ur mind. im serious. i blog for myself, not to entertain. so, urmm i dun hav the gift to blog gud descriptive essay, so, better watch out. lolzzz)
Well, half an hour after I was surrounded and engulfed in hyper-action-packed mood, i was transferred to a realm totally different from the loud, booming movie enhanced with bazookas and m-16 as the supporting characters. Add on to that, misiles and gerenades were flying (urrmm.. i didnt see no wings??) , two deadliest assasins who happened to be husband and wife smashing and thrashing each other and explosive scenes every 10minutes of interval. how do i put it? urrm.. just like after a happy-whacky roller coaster ride dragged right into a sombre house undergoing funeral procession. and so, i went for my second show of the day. Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing: The Final Cut!!!! If u are a Big Fish and Forest Gump lover, u should WATCH THIS SHOW! im serious. Kinda like slap u hard on ur face and drill ur consiousness to appreciate your life. Sometimes we tend to move on too fast in life, and we forget to halt and look around us. we might be missing sumthing in life. and dat particular sumthin mite be a very important clue for us to move on. or it might give a very huge impact in making our decision. "two roads diverge in a yellow wood... and sorry i could not travel both...." robert frost, man im crazee! HAHHAHA~ my weird logic was triggered. that movie wasnt at all about dat.
Life of a cutter or like a director of a re-memory of a Zoe implants. When a person pass away, the family members get a cutter to modify/alter every memory of the deceased saved in the chip inclusive of audio and video, senses, dreams..... So, the cutter acts like a sin eater... deleting and skipping the ugly side of the memory and keeping all the noble and to-be-celebrated piece of recollections so that they can be replayed for the audience of frens and family members of the deceased during his/her funeral. Alas... the cutter is way too indulged in his job and he has no space for his life and ppl around him... and there is one incident in his chilhood life he cant seem to forget until one day...... (best for u guys to find out) not onli about dat. im juz stating a small portion of the entire complexity of the movie.
in short, im impressed with the movie. im transfixed throughout the show. juz bear the first 20 minutes of the show coz it wil be a lil' confusing. comprehension wil dawn upon u later. i juz cant help myself from smilling and grining from ear to ear and huffing and puffing the air of satisfaction after the show ended! tot mr. & mrs smith wuz gud? try dis! didnt get a huge publicity and urmm.. half the cinema wuz freakin empty. less den 20 ppl but... its worth every seconds. at first tot dis movie is gona sucks like hell while sucking my 9 blardy bucks too. coz it is a malay director: OMAR NAIM. shall remember him.
Movie: The Final Cut
Rate: 10+ stars. (juz dun watch another movie on the same day. like me, u wil have splitting feels... dunno wat to feel other then being contented for completing two movies. coz im very very outdated wif movies.lolz)
hahahhaha.. and poor chris. watchim mr & mrs smith for the 3rd time proved to be a challenging task for him! and he swear not to watch any show from angelina jolie and bradd pitt anymore. but thanks man for acompanying me to kill my boredom!!! hahhahhahahaha~ hopefully no other taylorians saw us and think we are an item! dat wil be joke of the year! U gotta be kidding me! bluek~

LA~mour at 10:35 AM

a goodbye...?

hey... it has been a while. urrmm.. onli a few days actually but trust me, a few days made ALOT of difference in my life...
guess wat? i have a new blog page coming!!! it wuz under construction yesterday, but now i think its done. juz a lil' bit of touch up. im proud. pheww.. never know dat much of patience wuz tested. lolz. will give u guys the address in the next entry. shereen wants to drop the first comment! heheheh.. silly gurl. but i love u juz the same. FASTER COME BACK U IDIOT! *sigh.......
and so.... ive come an end in one part of my life. all i can do now is stand here and stare back at the route ive walked through before... the long winded path i actually have took and came this far... of course it is still as beautiful.. and still look inviting, but i know i shoudnt set my foot there anymore. it is over.... over... it was hurtful at first to know that i have reach a crossroad... to where i have to choose my next destination and be strong...

sometimes... i juz imagine myself walking in an eternity path...
will i ever find happines..?
the weight that carried down my spirit was sooo strong, i cant even cry... i know i can be strong when i wanted too... i thank god for letting me overcome the wat seemed like an impossible then.... i wuz disturbed... the cheerful smile that usually never fail to expose my 32 teeth and make my eyes look even sepet totally vanished... two ends of my lips had to abide the grativy law... it was tough hours before i get everything sorted out.... urmm.... wats dis word in english: the feeling of sayang to let go of sumtin... yeah. sure i do feel dat.. but i wont blame no one other den me. just gotta stand up again, brush all the dirts off my knees and continue running... chasing after my future (a future dat looks so dimmed now.. *sigh...) we are alwayz alone in our life. we arrived here alone and we will take our grand exit alone too... all the love ones are juz there as companion..., guidance, and will only be able to see u thru... coz each and every one of them are alone as well...
everything is a memory now... one of the sweetest memory ive earned in my life... sumthing that can make me smile within my heart and feel glorious when i decide to pluck it out and make a real life video recording in my eyes.... so, dat is why u alwayz hear ppl telling u to be the director or the cutter of ur own life story... never let anyone interfere... coz the outcome is wat u wanna see....
maybe im right, maybe i am wrong.. but i cant help not seeing words and sensing undefine feelings..maybe.. maybe... i wil never get the answer. i can treat my mood but i cant cure the disapointment...
anywayz, dis is part of my unfinished poem:
staring blankly into the horizon, awaiting the summon to be answered.....
but will it ever be.....
wash ashore are the twisted memories of us...
i tried holding onto u..
but it wuz as though i wuz trying to hold on to sand...
*adios! have fun sinking for a few seconds... I wil be posting dis in my new blog page too. but since my page is not oficially declared, so let dis one be here first! take care.....
onli love,
sulin tan... (o5.10pm)
Last Updated: Sunday, 3 July 2005 7:11 P GMT+06 :: Comments/Trackback (6-0)
function pS(p){if(p.height>48){p.height=48;}}
sulin, tan made this comment,
urmmm.. ok, heres my reply doinks!
ah tan: thanks for the sugestion. but if i have to swallow panadol, i'd rather drink dettol. love the smell! and well, cruel world sure will visit me soon. it never runs away or disapear.
mel: talking about acting... i remember sayin: we are the director, cutter and the main actor/actress in our life movie. hrrmm... as usual, atas pagar, i think one sud noe when to act and when u are not suppose to, depending on the situation. in my case, urrmm.. think acting is unhealthy. so i'd rather choose playing along!
ignorant: yeah. agree wif ur stand: "it takes two to K.O." U have a point there. but... dun forget, one outa dat two has gotta do the opening ceremony and any one of the two gotta do the closing ceremony! and its one RARE chance for both parties to act together! kies?
ignoramus...? : ok, think u are mel. sounds like u. lolz. it is juz a statement to say dat u hate to run away from the truth, but u juz tend to do it. words are easy being spoken. human nature. kiasu, fear! dats why... prolly u are looking from a-must-to-act-in-situation point of view. also right. am a confused kid!
p/s: i never noe my blog page can be transform into a debate guild. wth! and wow! man u guys are as figurative as me! i love it! keep it up! author is enjoying! hahahahhahah! ok, my new blog page is ready! will post it tomoro! yay! gimme comment ya!
comment added :: 3rd July 2005, 19:11 GMT+06
function pS(p){if(p.height>48){p.height=48;}}
sulin, tan made this comment,
Urmm... Talking about killing u two. not onli the two of u. Am gonna try my stealth kill!! WAT DA HECK ARE U ALL COMMENTING?
"...................." says sulin...
first of all, i dunno who is who? well,i sure noe who is ahtan and mel. but the next two, urrmm... very nice nick! *SARCASM MAX* can i use ignore&snore as my nick? lolzz... well, thanks for being so concern. im very touched... seriously... forget it kies guys. love u guys alot... apreciate it alot....
and i dunno who the hell is ignorant. mind introducing?
sincerely, owner....
comment added :: 3rd July 2005, 18:59 GMT+06
function pS(p){if(p.height>48){p.height=48;}}
ignoramus..? made this comment,
hahah...i know ur poking at my ignorance, but somehow i'm fairly happy to see that reply. *grin* it confirms a few things for me...though i'm not sure if i'm getting d right impression... anyways, i must say that i disagree ur theory that by acting, we can lessen the hurt. 'acting' is just burying urself, along with ur emotions, down under. maybe i'm different from u. after all, i'm not u. but i'd think: y not show it? u've nvr really tried/gone there. so how d heck do u know that it'll hurt further? y can't it b a remedy to both parties? i hate running away from the truth, or from myself. do u?
p/s: i think she's gonna kill us both as soon as she's back in kl, for turning her blogpg into a msg centre....eeekss
comment added :: 3rd July 2005, 13:29 GMT+06 :: http://www.melly.blog-city.com
function pS(p){if(p.height>48){p.height=48;}}
ignorant made this comment,
hey look, there's an actor on the stage, let's go get him!
if you think it over, there's always a reason to all that "acting". it doesn't go one way all the time you know. don't be ignorant like me, u can never know how the other party feels like unless you're in his position. nothing goes one way. if one person feels miserable, the other will too. if one of the two feels unloved, the other person feels the same shit too.... at least i think so. and the only way to prevent this "cut" from getting deeper is to be ignorant, by "acting", ie. leaving another shitty comment like this. i guess ahtan hasn't learned yet. he'll post another one soon.
comment added :: 3rd July 2005, 04:33 GMT+06

LA~mour at 10:33 AM

Contaminated passion

Arggghhhh~! I so hate you ..........! I hate you!!!!!!
I hate you for everything that you have done.
I hate you for what you are doing to me now!!!!!!
What is wrong with you????
I can't even think of it as you are actually missing someone else but not me. I can't even make myself belive that you are finally falling for someone else! Because whatever you wrote and whatever you expressed ---------> I think I am the person bothering you and I am the person you are missing and I am the person you can't seem to forget!!! Yet, there are possibilities, thousand and millions of it that maybe it is someone else. But.... I can feel that the one possibility that it is me, outbeat the rest of doubts haunting me..........
I am missing you maybe.... I can miss you for the next 5 years..... but maybe within the missing... there might not be anything solid. One fine day, I might just snap out of nothingness and reality checks! You are actually a stranger... nothing more than a stranger... Unknown person that has arrived and left unerased footprints in my lifepath... I might like you very much but deep inside... I do not know you at all.....
I can still hang on to you for the next 5 years (that i the minimum) and I know the very fact that we can never be together. throughout the process of not able to let go..... I know very well too that I am going to lose out and sacrifice all the wonderful people who have guts and brave enough to do something. Whether or not they know they stand a chance! Whether or not they think it is a waste of time! AT LEAST THEY FREAKING tried eventhough THE IMPOSSIBLE stand betwwen ME AND THEM!
At least things have been better if we talk over it! Leave it as an open ending! At least both parties won't get hurt. Maybe you don't but I do! since this only applies if the God-Damned blardy thing is mutual! WHY INHIBIT the feelings and FORCE something so divine to stop flourishing? Isn't it like diving head-down towards cemented ground from the 4791374091478903849012380th FLOOR??????
I am FREAKING AWARE THAT THE GOD-DAMNED thing will never worK! BUT AT LEAST TALK ABOUT IT and don't gimme silent TREATMENT! It is so hard for me! You get your damn answer and assurance and i get SHYT!
If you are doing this (whatever it is) so that it could be at least easier for me! You are wrong! If you think by doing this - things will eventually work out! So that the mist and haziness of situation that is engulfing both our head and heart will drift away???? And you will finally grasp the enlighten you want? NO!!! YOU ARE WRONG!!!
But hey, since you have started the whole murky ending, why not play along? I am egoistic. Once I do something and I don't get the appropriate treatment. I will JUST FUCK IT! I will never go down again! I WILL NEVER! All i have to do is tag along and see where I will end up! I am dumb but I can be witty. I am weak but i have subtitutes and back ups!
I "HATE" YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LA~mour at 10:32 AM

life heart

Life always has its way of spinning around... in result of it... we in turn, lost our sense of direction... Sometimes we are obstructed from the view as of to where we are heading....
Do u ever wonder.. which direction we usually travel? let me see.... Not right not the left.... not straight not reversed... but.....
One moment... u are heading towards cloud nine and another flicked seconds... u zoomed all the way down hell.....
But then again...no matter what..., confrontation has to be made..... life has to go on.... Whether or not u are ready to move on... This is because time and tide waits for no men....
As for me..., ive got alot to say about my life... nothing in particular... not that it is a fairy tale nor it can be used as a role model.... But it has taught me ways of dealing with myself and the rest of the world.... It is the imperfections in life that makes life prefect...
Last Updated: Saturday, 5 November 2005 9:01 P GMT+06 :: Comments/Trackback (1-0)
function pS(p){if(p.height>48){p.height=48;}}
Vjay made this comment,
Some deep thinking in india huh? Wonder if you got my sms-es.. Now i joined your club already!! The "In Star Newspaper" club. Hehe. Its a futsal thing. TAke care! And please tell me if you got my sms-es

LA~mour at 10:32 AM

any chance of glorious moment in a defeated, abandoned piece of land..?

bloggie... u noe..., everything seems so dull and dark and cold today...... despite the rays of the shining sun..... and the heated, upcoming male basketball game of my batch....against batch 16.... (who would have thought..?) i have been transformed into a world of black and white again....
dis is juz not one of my day... Su-Lin? the ever bubbly chirpy soul who never failed to......... everything is juz incomplete..... shes missing.... somebody call the cops! ive lose it yet once again....
am not being myself... am not myself.... am acting weird... am a whinner... sud just work as a full time whinner for the past two days... i could have done better earning some credit for being someone with not-recognized ability....
how i wish dat today tears can help soothen me...how i wish dat a hug can make a difference...
coz.. nothing seem convincing now... i wana cry and get over with things .. yet resorting to crying juz not gonna solve anything.... im heading nowhere again... im sick of being such a pretender! its eating me alive again.. is dis a sign? is it?
the question shall be left unanswered........ *sharp inhale* ...............sigh.........................a...g....a....i...n..............

LA~mour at 10:30 AM

abt urself....
Bla bla bla bla

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